Designing for Children: The Art of Graphic Design in Children's Books, Toys, Games, Television, Records, Magazines, Posters, Newspapers, Signage & Museums

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Graphic Design

Designing for Children: The Art of Graphic Design in Children's Books, Toys, Games, Television, Records, Magazines, Posters, Newspapers, Signage & Museums Details

Children's culture has become a boom industry, generating tons of accoutrements from toys to school supplies to interactive computer programs. To be successful, such materials must be designed in a way that speaks directly to a young audience yet pleases - and doesn't alienate - adults. That said, what is good design for children? What criteria does a designer follow in creating products that will appeal to kids without compromising on quality or aesthetics? Steven Heller and Steven Guarnaccia address these and many other related questions in Designing for Children, the first and only book devoted to an increasingly important subject.Heller and Guarnaccia analyze and celebrate recent advances in child-oriented design and show examples of new work that represent the growing sophistication in this arena. The authors look at hundreds of case studies in which graphics play a major role, specifically in the realms of television, video, and radio; museums and environments; novelties and gifts; toys and games; newspapers and magazines; computers and electronics; theater and performances; and books and posters. Packaging and promotional materials for the various products and activities are also discussed.In response to the burgeoning children's market, clients like Sony, Nickelodeon, Esprit/Kids, Hasbro, Stride Rite, Levi Strauss, Hallmark, Pentech, The Nature Company, Mattel, Milton Bradley, Broderbund, and numerous publishers are increasingly employing the talents of innovative designers with an eye toward reaching a young audience. Today among their ranks are such well-known and highly respected graphic artists as Seymour Chwast, Maira Kalman, April Greiman, Paula Scher, and Richard McGuire, many of whose designs for children are featured here.Designing for Children is an important book for designers of all kinds, but it's also of interest to parents seeking well-made, thoughtfully designed alternatives to standard mass-market toys, books, and other childhood fare for their kids.


This book does not teach you how to design for children. It's a bunch of old childrens book/mag covers, toys and flyers with descriptions under them. Do they dissect the pictures at least and show you what's good and bad? Nope. They just vomit out the most convoluted $10 words they can manage for absolutely no good reason. Here's an example:"Another characteristic of contemporary aesthetics is an artful primitivism that eschews timeworn conventions of hyperrealism and magic realism so as to achieve a pure visual expression."Someone actually wrote that sentence and thought it was better than, "Keep your designs simple."The entire book is like that. It makes you want throw up. This book is absolutely pointless for any practical application and only seems to serve the author's insatiable appetite for trying to sound smart. Other than that, loved it.

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